Constitution Week Coloring Contest
The City of Vilonia and the Vilonia Area Chamber of Commerce are holding a coloring contest to celebrate Constitution Week 2022.
Coloring pages will become available the morning of Friday, September 16, 2022, and remain available until City Hall closes at 5pm on Friday, September 23, 2022. Colored pages (with entry form) may be returned in person at City Hall.
Remember, you can only submit one colored page per person, entries must be received by September 23, and City Hall closes at 5pm.
The contest is open to all children in the Vilonia community who are in 6th grade or under, with a winner and runner-up for each bracket. Prizes are being provided by the Vilonia Area Chamber of Commerce.
Coloring page options are available at City Hall and online ( Only one page may be entered by each child, the page must be one of the options, it must be accompanied with an entry form, and it must be received by the deadline.
Winners will be announced by end of day on Monday, September 26, 2022, and contacted
within 24 hours of announcement. Prizes will be available for pickup at the Vilonia City Hall
front desk between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Prizes left unclaimed
at end of day October 7 will be forfeited.
Artwork, winner names, and photos may be used by the city for advertising and promotional purposes.
For the complete rules, as well as coloring page and entry packet downloads, see the contest page: Please direct all questions to