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The annual Vilonia Christmas Parade was first held in 2010. It is traditionally held the at dusk on the first Saturday of December.
Recent Themes
Please check back October 31, 2024, for details on the 2024 Vilonia Christmas Parade!
::: Tentative date: December 7, 2024:::
December 7, 2024
"Winter Nights and Magical Lights"
The Vilonia Christmas Parade Committee has the right to bar and/or remove from parade those not conforming to the rules and regulations.
ALL ENTRIES MUST HAVE LIGHTS!!!!!!!!! (The more the Merrier)
NO LIVE SANTAS WILL BE PERMITTED ON FLOATS, as Santa will be at the end of the parade.
All headlights will need to remain off for the duration of the parade, although parking lights may remain on.
Horses, livestock, wagons, and buggies will be allowed in parade but must be lined up in the back. Entries with animals must provide their own clean up during line up and along the parade route, as well as a walking chaperone and/or assistant to keep animals under control at all times.
Candy and other offerings may be HANDED to viewers by walking attendants but nothing is to be thrown from units during the parade.
Participation is free of charge. Registration is required to compete for prizes. Registrations will be accepted until the Wednesday before the parade.
Participants must enter on Industrial Drive. Judging will begin promptly at 5:00pm starting from the front of the parade line. Upon reaching the end of the line, no further entries will be judged, regardless if they arrive prior to the parade starting.
The ONLY vehicles allowed on Cemetery Street will be entries that are parking for participation in the parade.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall. Entries will be judged on four different criteria:
a. Use of Theme
b. Use of Lighting
c. Most Creative
d. Best Christmas Spirit