1st Annual Fall Fest presented by VACC
The 1st Annual Fall Fest, presented by the Vilonia Area Chamber of Commerce, is scheduled for Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, in the grassy lot in front of the Vilonia Senior Citizens Building on Bise Drive, across from the public library.
The Vilonia Chamber is currently accepting applications for vendors for the event. Booth cost is $25 for Chamber Members and $35 for Non-Chamber Members. Food Trucks are $60.
Vendors must provide their own equipment, such as canopies, tables, chairs, etc.
All vendors agree to provide either an outdoor game or activity for the children to enjoy.
All fees are non-refundable as they are used to promote the events.
No electricity or running water is available.
Booth sizes are 10x10.
The event runs from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Set-up time is 8:30am and breakdown is 2:00pm (no early breakdowns).
Vendors are responsible for leaving their area in the same condition as they found it.
The Chamber reserves the right to censor any booths.
For more information, please contact the Vilonia Chamber via website, email (viloniachamber@gmail.com), or Facebook (@viloniachambercommerce).