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Guess the Number Week 3

It's definitely fall! This 24oz Tervis cup has 3 gorgeous bears on the outside, but can you guess how many delicious gummi bears are inside?

Stop by Vilonia City Hall, 18 Bise Drive, to enter your guess. Whoever has the closest guess will win the cup!

This is the Week 3 Trunk or Treat Guess the Number Contest. It begins today, October 15, and ends Thursday, October 21, when we close at 5pm. The winner will be contacted (and posted on Facebook) by noon on Friday, October 22nd, and will have until 5pm, Friday, October 29, 2021, to pick up their cup before it is forfeited.

Week one's winner was Kyle B. with a guess of 510 and a correct count of 505.

Week two's winner was Raven B. with a guess of 120 and a correct count of 121.

Forfeited cups will be emptied, refilled, and played again during Trunk or Treat.

Questions or Comments?

Contact us at 501-796-2534


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