Sewer: Frequently Asked Questions
How is my sewer usage charge calculated?
Your bill is based on your water usage. We obtain your meter readings from the water department each month. For those using large quantities of water outside (such as watering livestock, heavy gardening, or a pool), a second meter (called a yard meter) may be set up by contacting the water department at 501-796-2711. The sewer department does not acknowledge yard meter usage.
What is the current sewer usage rate?
$16.00 for the first 1,000 gallons of water
$6.00 per 1,000 gallons after that
Minimum Bill $16.00
What methods of payment do you accept?
Payments can be made by in-person (cash, check, or money order) at the office in Room 124 of City Hall at 18 Bise Drive; by mail (check or money order) to PO Box 517, Vilonia AR 72173; via the drop box located at City Hall (check or money order); or online (credit/debit card) HERE.
What happens if I pay late?
If payment is not received by the 5th of the month, a 10% late charge will be added to your bill. If the bill is not paid by the 15th, your water is subject to turn off. The Sewer Department has the authority to turn off water for nonpayment of a sewer bill.
What if I can’t pay my sewer bill on time?
If you know you are not going to be able to pay by the 15th, you can call the Sewer Office to make other payment arrangements. The Sewer Department will not turn off your water as long as you keep your arrangements.
How do I correct the mailing address on my sewer use bill?
To correct or change your mailing address please call the Sewer Office at 501-796-2533 and provide the correct information.
I am being improperly billed for sewer usage. What should I do?
Contact our office at 501-796-2533. DO NOT IGNORE YOUR BILL as you may be liable for other charges and fees.
What if my sewer usage bill says "BALANCE FORWARD"?
"Balance Forward" means that at the time the bill was printed, there was an unpaid charge in your name from a previous billing cycle. Please call the Sewer Office at 501-796-2533 for further information on past due bills. Any payment received will be applied to the oldest bill first.
What if I did not receive my sewer use bill?
Call the Sewer Office at 501-796-2533 and we will send you a duplicate bill. Failure to receive a bill does not invalidate the amount due or prevent late fees if the bill is not paid on time.
Why is my sewer bill so high?
First, check the water usage on your water bill. If your usage is higher than normal, you should check to see if you have a water leak.
If you know where your water meter is: Turn off any water running in the house and go look at the meter. There is either a red triangle or a small silver star like disk; if it is turning, water is passing through the meter and you will need to find out where it is going.
If this does not work, if you do not know where your meter is, you should call the Water Department for assistance or to check it there was an over read.