Help Direct the Future of Vilonia
On July 6, 2023, Vilonia city staff met with representatives of the UCA Community Catalyst program and Entergy for an initial planning meeting. They discussed the Community Catalyst program (learn more at and made plans to gather an executive team and draft a Vilonia Community survey.
August 9, 2023, the Vilonia Community Catalyst Executive Team gathered for the first time to finalize the survey and plan how to get the most community involvement.
Today, the survey went live.

There are only 11 questions (and the last one is optional)! You can complete the survey on your computer, tablet, or phone. By tonight, QR code flyers will be posted throughout the city. These survey responses will help direct the future plans of the city, from grant applications and projects, to development and growth goals. Make sure YOUR voice is heard.
All Vilonia residents are encouraged to complete the survey, whether you live smack dab in the middle of Vilonia city limits, out in the Vilonia School District, or even if you've moved to Antarctica and only your heart remains here; we welcome your voice. If you are 6, 16, or 60; owner, renter, visitor, or expat; we welcome your voice.
This survey will close in two weeks, on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, so DON'T DELAY! WE CAN'T WAIT to know what you think the future of Vilonia should look like.