Saturday, December 7, 2019
If you've been watching our Facebook page, you know Saturday the 7th is going to be HUGE! To make planning your day easier, here's a list of the things we know about.
8:00 am - 9:00 am (estimate): Reindeer Run 5k, sponsored by the Vilonia Lions Club, at the Vilonia Softball Complex on North Mt Olive Road. Registration is $35.
8:00 am - 2:00 pm: Central Arkansas Firefighters Boot Drive, with the Vilonia Fire Department, at the intersection of Main Street and Hwy 107 (Eagle Street). They are accepting donations to raise money for children to have a Christmas. You can also donate online.
9:00 am - noon: The Spirit of Vilonia Food Pantry and Thrift Store will be open its regular hours, so be sure to stop by to donate food or clothing, shop their amazingly priced thrift items, or pick up a food pantry bag to make it through the cold weekend!
9:00 am - 6:00 pm: Eagle Extravaganza in the Vilonia High School gym. They are raising money for the Vilonia Angel Tree to help provide food and presents to children in our community. From 9:00 am - 11:00 am is Pancake Breakfast with Santa, which is $6 for adults and $5 for children. Advance tickets can be purchased from the Volleyball Team (Kim Bartlett) or turned in to any school admin office (advance breakfast tickets include general admission; day of tickets do not). General admission to the Extravaganza is $2 for adults and $1 for students. The event runs all day, and you only have to purchase admission ONCE to have access ALL DAY. The event offers door prizes, photos, shopping, and silent auction (auction ends at 5pm). While many vendors will be able to take cards, everything else (breakfast, admission, silent auction) is cash or check ONLY.
9:00 am - 2:00 pm: Luncheon with Santa, Buggy Rides, and Silent Auction, presented by the Vilonia Museum of Veterans and Military History. From 9:00 am - noon there are FREE buggy rides, coffee, hot chocolate, and Santa in the museum. From 10:30 am to 2:00 pm is Lunch, offering soup, chicken and dumplings, chili, and gumbo at $5. Finally, the Silent Auction begins at Noon and features a variety of goods from crafts to gift certificates.
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Cookies and Cocoa are offered by the Vilonia United Methodist Church. The goodies are FREE, as is the parking in their lot, right on Main Street with a perfect view of the parade!