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2020 Voter Guide, Part 2 of 5

When you vote, your ballot will only show the Issue Number (if applicable), the Popular Name, and the Ballot Title.


POPULAR NAME: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution continuing a one-half percent (0.5%) sales and use tax for state highways and bridges; county roads, bridges and other surface transportation; and city streets, bridges, and other surface transportation after the retirement of the bonds authorized in Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 91.

BALLOT TITLE: An amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to continue a levy of a one-half percent sales and use tax for state highways and bridges; county roads, bridges, and other surface transportation; and city streets, bridges, and other surface transportation after the retirement of the bonds authorized in Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 91, as special revenue to be distributed under the Arkansas Highway Revenue Distribution Law.

OUR SUMMARY: In 2012, Arkansas voted to pass a 0.5% sales tax to pay for a series of bonds. Those bonds are currently on schedule to be paid off in 2023, allowing the tax to expire. This amendment will make the tax permanent upon the bonds retirement, rather than allowing the tax to expire. Currently, the revenue from this tax is used only to repay the bonds. If this amendment passes, future revenue from this tax would be used exclusively for the maintenance, repair, and improvement of Arkansas' highways, roads, and streets. It could not be used for anything else unless reallocated by a future vote.

SHORT AND SWEET: A yes vote will make a current temporary tax permanent. A no vote will cause the current tax to expire in 2023.


Questions or Comments?

Contact us at 501-796-2534


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